start up

start upstart up1.(使)开始运转The engine started up immediately.发动机立刻开始运转。She started the car up.她发动了汽车。2.开始; 着手He has started up a new business.他开办了一项新业务。They have decided to start up a nursery in the factory.他们已决定要在工厂里开办一个托儿所。

start up1.(使)惊起;(使)突然跳起:A group of zebras started up by a shot.一声枪响把一群斑马惊得四散奔逃。On seeing us come into the room, he started up from the bed.看到我们走进了房间,他从床上一跃而起。2.突然出现;崛起:Suddenly, an oasis started up before us.突然,一片绿洲呈现在我们面前。Another skyscraper started up in the centre of the city.市中心又崛起一座摩天大楼。3.发动,开动,使运转:to start up a car发动汽车Be sure your lever is in neutral before you start up your car.在发动汽车前,你一定要确保汽车的变速杆处于空挡位。4.开始,创办,发起:Last year, he started up a successful fashion house.去年,他开了一家生意兴隆的时装店。5.开始从事…事业,开始过…生活(与in连用):They started up in the business as a private detective after he left the police.在他辞掉警察工作后,他们开始从事私人侦探业务。I'm thinking of starting up in the fishing tackle trade.我正考虑做钓具生意呢。6.开始演奏:He walked out of the theatre the moment the band started up.乐队刚一开始演奏,他就退场了。to start up Fantasia No. 1 of Last开始演奏拉斯特的1号幻想曲

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